Barnsley Volunteer Tree Wardens invite interested local residents, representatives of local businesses, schools, health providers, parishes and community groups to come together to see our vision for a greener, healthier, more leafy town and find out how we can work with you to achieve this.The meeting starts at 10.00 and is scheduled to finish at 12.00. It will take place in the Site Briefing Area at Premier Foods Carlton Bakery on Fish Dam Lane, Carlton S71 3HFWe will be there to welcome you at the main reception area from 9.45If driving: enter by the main gate and turn right into the car park before the security barrier. Keep to the right hand side car parking area and watch out for the speed bumps!Refreshments will be available including, it is rumoured, some “Exceedingly Good Cake”We hope as many of you can attend as possible.Kind RegardsKatherine ChurchSecretaryBarnsley Volunteer Tree Wardens07706 717871